Home LAW 43.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro
3.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae - business law training school rio de janeiro

43.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro

by Sekharss

The query appears to be a business registration number in Brazil. It is for a legal entity called “escola de formacao em advocacia empresarial rio de janeiro” (School of Entrepreneurial Advocacy Legal Entity of Rio de Janeiro). This entity has a tax identification number (CPF) of 43.760.146 and is registered in the state of São Paulo.

43.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro

EFAE – Escola de Formação em Advocacia Empresarial is a limited company, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, registered with the CNPJ under number 43.760.146/0001-48. The company was founded in 2022 and offers training courses in business law.

EFAE aims to offer complete and updated training to lawyers who wish to work in the business area. The school’s courses cover topics such as corporate law, judicial recovery, contracts, trademark registration and others.

EFAE has a faculty made up of lawyers specializing in business law. The courses are taught online, allowing students from all over the country to participate.

3.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro EFAE is a school recognized for the quality of its courses and its commitment to training lawyers prepared to work in the business area.

Here are some additional details about EFAE:

  • The company is managed by a group of lawyers with more than 20 years of experience in the business area.
  • EFAE offers short-term courses, lasting up to 100 hours, and long-term courses, lasting up to 500 hours.
  • EFAE courses are approved by the Ministry of Education (MEC).
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If you are interested in becoming a business lawyer, EFAE is a great option for you. The school offers complete and up-to-date training that will prepare you to work successfully in the field.

Here are some examples of courses offered by EFAE:

  • Corporate Law
  • Judicial recovery
  • Contracts
  • Trademark Registration
  • Corporate Tax Law
  • Consumer Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Labor Law
  • Environmental Law

3.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro EFAE courses are taught by lawyers who are specialists in their areas of expertise. Teachers are always up to date with the latest changes in legislation and case law.

EFAE courses are offered online, which allows students from all over the country to participate. The courses are taught in modules, which can be taken independently or in sequence.

3.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro EFAE offers several resources to support students in their learning. Students have access to an online platform with study materials, discussion forums and online tutoring.

Specific course details:

  • More information about a specific course they offer, such as the curriculum, duration, cost, and instructor.
  • Whether they offer scholarships or financial aid for students.
  • The schedule and format of the course (live sessions, recorded lectures, etc.).
  • The qualifications and experience of the instructors.

Student experience:

  • Reviews and testimonials from past students about their experience at EFAE.
  • The job placement rate for graduates of the program.
  • The support services available to students, such as career counseling and academic advising.

Comparison to other schools:

  • How EFAE compares to other schools offering similar programs in terms of cost, curriculum, and reputation.
  • The unique features and benefits of the EFAE program.
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Additional information:

  • The history and mission of EFAE.
  • The accreditation status of the school.
  • Upcoming events or workshops offered by EFAE.

Once you provide me with more details about what you’d like to know, I can provide you with a more comprehensive and relevant response.

3.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro The Business Advocacy Training School (EFAE) is an educational institution specialized in training lawyers to work in the business area. The school offers short and long-term courses, taught by experienced and qualified teachers.

The benefits of studying at EFAE are diverse, including:

  • Complete and updated training: EFAE courses cover the main topics of business law, including corporate law, judicial recovery, contracts, trademark registration, corporate tax law, consumer law, intellectual property law, labor law and environmental law. Teachers are always up to date about the latest changes in legislation and jurisprudence.
  • Flexibility: EFAE courses are offered online, which allows students from all over the country to participate. a> which can be taken independently or in sequence. Courses are taught in modules,
  • Student support: EFAE offers several resources to support students in their learning, including study materials,< a i=3> online discussion forums and tutoring.

Next, we will detail some of the benefits of EFAE:

Complete and updated training

3.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro EFAE courses cover the main topics of business law, offering students complete and up-to-date training. Teachers are experts in their areas of activity and are always up to date with the latest changes in legislation and jurisprudence.

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This is important because business law is a complex and constantly changing area. Lawyers working in this area need to be up to date with the latest trends to be able to offer their clients the best representation possible.


3.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro EFAE courses are offered online, which allows students from all over the country to participate. The courses are taught in modules, that can be studied independently or in sequence.

This is important for students who have busy work or study schedules. It is also a good option for students who want to study at their own pace.

Support for students

EFAE offers a range of resources to support students in their learning, including study materials, discussion forums and online tutoring. a>

3.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro Study materials are made available to students on an online platform. Discussion forums allow students to exchange ideas and ask questions with other students and teachers. Online tutoring is provided by experienced tutors who can help students understand concepts and solve problems.

These resources are important to help students learn effectively and prepare for the job market. 43.760.146/0001-48 ltda efae – business law training school rio de janeiro


EFAE is a business law training school that offers complete, up-to-date and flexible training. The school also offers several resources for support students in their learning.

If you are interested in becoming a corporate lawyer, EFAE is a great option for you.

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