Home Technology Benefits of Choosing Retractable Badge Reels or Holders for Your Medical Staff     
Benefits of Choosing Retractable Badge Reels or Holders for Your Medical Staff     

Benefits of Choosing Retractable Badge Reels or Holders for Your Medical Staff     

by Alison Lurie

Badge holders play an essential role in the everyday functioning of healthcare professionals. For example, ID cards have to be displayed at all times, and required staff members need access to labs, testing rooms, and ICUs.

Benefits of Choosing Retractable Badge Reels or Holders for Your Medical Staff     

retractable badgeholder makes the task of displaying and using an access card convenient. A badge reel is a casing that contains a retractable cord. The end of the cord connects to a badge holder. 

Medical professionals can benefit the most by using such badge reels. Here’s how. 

Ease of Use

Usability is one of the main advantages offered by retractable badge reels or holders. In the face of the pandemic, medical professionals have had to be on their toes right from the start. Nurses and doctors need to shuffle from one room to another quickly. 

At the same time, hospitals need to ensure only authorized personnel gain entry to restricted areas. With the help of retractable badge reels, professionals can quickly use their cards to gain access to a room, and the badge will snap back into place on its own.

Badge reels might help save only a few seconds when trying to enter a room, but these few extra seconds in emergencies can prove life-changing for the patient.

Different Attachment Types

Badge reels are available with different attachment types. They can be clipped onto one’s pocket, hanged from belts, or worn around one’s neck using a lanyard. They come with strap clips, key rings, and carabiner attachments. 

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You also get to choose between different end fittings that hold the actual badge. For example, the cord may be attached to:

  • Vinyl strap
  • Card clip
  • Swivel hook
  • Plastic clip
  • Keyring 

Your medical staff is not restricted to using a particular style of badge holder. For example, if they are not comfortable using lanyards, they can clip the holder to their shirts or tops.

Sturdy Materials

When working in challenging conditions, the accessories you use must be up to standard. That holds for badge holders as well. There are brands available in the market that offer holders made from sturdy and durable materials. For example, the cases are made from polycarbonate, and the cords are strong enough to carry metal keys and small objects.

When in a hurry, one can end up pulling the badges with force for use. The holder must be robust enough to handle the daily wear and tear and not snap into pieces at the sign of pressure.

Breakaway Mechanism

When investing in any badge holder, the breakaway mechanism is an important feature you should consider. In case your badge gets stuck in a door, or a machine or a patient violently pulls it, the breakaway feature will ensure the badge holder snaps away from you. 

The holder does not break; it simply snaps and distances you from the situation, lowering the risk of harm.

Additional Features

A badge reel that perfectly retracts and keeps the ID facing in one direction every time can help save precious seconds. A no twist badge reel keeps your card safe facing a single side only. 

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If you have an advanced access system that requires you to use multiple badges, there are locking mechanisms in place that keep the badge reel cord extended until you press a button. Thus, you do not have to keep pulling on the cord multiple times.

retractable badge holder offers convenience to medical professionals. Instead of carrying around ID documents, one can simply attach, clip, or wear the badge around one’s neck with a lanyard. In addition, the retractable mechanism helps keep multiple cards safely on your person. Hospitals can also use designated color badge reels to identify staff quicker.

Author Bio:

Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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