Home Technology What Is the Solar Panel Installation Process Like?
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What Is the Solar Panel Installation Process Like?

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You may want to add solar panels to your home because the price dropped 70% over the last decade. Maybe you want to catch up to the 4% of Americans who have solar panels installed.

Another possibility is that you want to enjoy the benefits of solar panels. These include lower energy costs, environmental benefits, and more. The reason doesn’t matter.

However, you may still feel hesitant as you’re not sure what to expect with panel installation. If this is the case, read on to learn about the steps of the installation process.

Site Assessment 

First, contact solar green energy experts like Blue Raven Solar. If you’re ready, you’ll sign a solar contract.

After, the assessment will begin. One or more technicians will visit your home. They will take measurements and recordings to ensure solar system effectiveness.

One such measurement is the structural integrity of your roof. They do this to ensure that the roof won’t collapse under solar panels. Another is to check that your home’s electrical system can handle solar.

A technician may also use this time to assess solar panel placement. During this, the technician will note the shading, roof angle, and such. This will ensure panel effectiveness.

Design Approval, Permits, and Paperwork 

After the assessment, the solar company will recommend panel sizes, locations, and such. Ask any questions you have while they go over these. Once you’ve approved the design, it’s permanent.

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After this, however, it’s not quite time for an installation yet. There’s still a lot of paperwork to go through. A lot of this is the installer’s job, but some things are your responsibility.

One of your going green responsibilities will be to apply for tax incentives. These are the solar tax rebates you get from various government bodies. The exact amount and nature of these vary from state to state.

Beyond that, you’ll need to apply for building permits. These allow you to build a solar system on your property legally. As with the incentives, the specifics of these laws vary, so be sure to research well.

Ordering Equipment and Panel Installation 

After the paperwork gets completed and approved, the ordering process will begin. Your installer should have some equipment suggestions. You can listen to their advice, but be sure to do your own research as well.

Installation begins after the equipment arrives and it’s your home’s turn. The total time this takes depends on the system’s size and complexity. However, one to three days is a good estimate.

First, the technicians will prepare your roof. Then they’ll install the wiring and racking on and around it. After this, they’ll place your panels on the racks and hook them into the electrical system.

If all goes well, a government official will visit to check and approve this system. Then a utility company representative will hook your new energy source into the grid. After a few weeks, you should be ready to go.

After Learning About Solar Installation, Read Our Other Articles 

Overall, you can expect the entire panel installation process to take quite some time. You may become impatient. If you do, try to focus on the rewards of the end results.

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